
From embeddedTS Manuals
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The LCD on this device is able to display a customizable splash screen immediately after power on. This is accomplished by the on-board FPGA reading data from an SPI NOR flash device, and writing it directly to the LCD in its SPI mode. This image is then left on the screen during the rest of the bootup process until the kernel takes over and drives the LCD in parallel RGB mode. The SPI NOR flash can be updated from userspace in Linux to write the new splash screen data.

Since the LCD is a 240x320 display, the final image needs to be formatted to fit this resolution and put in a binary format that the LCD can properly display. We have created a simple script to accomplish this. The scrip uses ImageMagick's 'convert' tool, as well as 'gcc'. The script will take an input file, translate it to fit the display, build a small tool from C sources, run the translated image through said tool in order to put the image in the correct byte ordering, and then clean up all temporary files. Additionally, a PNG image is output by the tool to be used as a sample reference of what the translated image looks like.

A simple conversion would look like the following:

./splash-convert Logo.png

# Background color can also be passed:
./splash-convert -background blue NewLogo.jpg

# Any arguments to 'convert' can be arbitrarily passed:
./splash-convert -rotate 120 Logo.png

This will output "splash.out" which can be written directly to the SPI NOR flash as well as "splash.png" which is a sample image of what the splash screen will look like. Since ImageMagick is used to do the heavy lifting of the conversion process, the input file can be of nearly any image format.