Buildroot-ts Generic Sections

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Buildroot - Cross Compiling

In order to generate a cross-compiler from Buildroot, first configure the target build as outlined in the first steps of the build instructions. Once configured, a separate make command can be issued to generate a tarball package of the cross-compiler. This can be unpacked to any location on the host Linux workstation's filesystem and then used to cross-compile additional applications for the target. The build, setup, and use of the cross-compiler can be done with the following steps:

# Be sure the target is configured first!
# The following command will output the cross-compiler package as well as build the target image completely if not built already
make sdk

# Unpack the tarball to new directory in the users home directory
# Note that the tarball name may be slightly different depending on how the toolchain is configured in Buildroot
mkdir ~/buildroot-toolchain
tar xf buildroot/output/images/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf_sdk-buildroot.tar.gz -C ~/buildroot-toolchain/

# Update the path information for the toolchain (must be done when the tarball is unpacked, or if the root folder of the toolchain is moved!)
# Note that, as above, the path for the compiler may be slightly different depending on how the toolchain is configured in Buildroot

# Create a simple Hello World application source
cat << EOF > hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void) { printf("Hello!\n"); }

# Build a binary from the Hello World source that can be run on the target device
~/buildroot-toolchain/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-linux-gcc hello.c -o hello

# This cross compiler can be added to the user's PATH variable for easy access
export PATH=$PATH:~/buildroot-toolchain/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf_sdk-buildroot/bin
arm-linux-gcc hello.c -o hello

The hello binary can then be copied to the target device and executed on it.

Note that the make sdk command can be run at any time to generate the toolchain tarball. Even after Buildroot has generated the output image.

Buildroot is extremely flexible in its generation and use of a cross-compiler. See the Buildroot manual for more information on advanced use of the Buildroot generated toolchain as well as using Buildroot's generated cross-compiler as an external compiler for Buildroot.

Buildroot - Configuring Network

Buildroot implements the ip, ifconfig, route, etc., commands to manipulate the settings of interfaces. The first Ethernet interface is set up to come up automatically with our default configuration. The interfaces can also be manually set up:

# Bring up the CPU network interface
ifconfig eth0 up

# Set an IP address (assumes subnet mask)
ifconfig eth0

# Set a specific subnet
ifconfig eth0 netmask

# Configure a default route. This is the server that provides an internet connection.
route add default gw

# Edit /etc/resolv.conf for the local DNS server
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

Most commonly, networks will offer DHCP which can be set up with one command:

# To setup the default CPU Ethernet port
udhcpc -i eth0
# All Ethernet ports can be made active and request DHCP addresses with:

To have network settings take effect on startup in Buildroot, edit /etc/network/interfaces:

# interface file auto-generated by Buildroot

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
  pre-up /etc/network/nfs_check
  wait-delay 15

Note that the default network startup may timeout on some networks, e.g. network protocols such as STP can delay packet movement. This can be resolved in Buildroot by adding network configuration options to fail after a number of attempts (rather than a timeout) or retry for a DHCP lease indefinitely. For example, adding one of the following lines under the iface eth0 inet dhcp section:

  • udhcpc_opts -t 0 to infinitely retry
  • udhcpc_opts -t 5 to fail after five attempts.

See the man page for interfaces(5) for further information on the syntax of the interfaces file and all of the options that can be passed.

For more information on network configuration in general, Debian provides a great resource here that can be readily applied to Buildroot in most cases.

Buildroot - Installing New Software

Buildroot does not include a package manager by default (though it is possible to enable one). This means installing software directly on the platform can be cumbersome and is not the intended path when using Buildroot. It is recommended to modify the Buildroot configuration to include additional packages. See the Building Buildroot section for information on modifying the configuration to build additional packages.

If a desired package is not available in Buildroot, there are a number of options available moving forward. It is possible to add packages to the build process, though this does require some knowledge of Buildroot internals. Another option is to use the cross compiler that is output by Buildroot in order to compile packages on a host system and then copy them over to the target. It is also possible to install a toolchain directly on the device, and compile applications natively. The last option is the least recommended as it greatly increases the final image size and adds unnecessary complexity.

Buildroot - Setting Up SSH

The default configuration has Dropbear set up. Dropbear is a lightweight SSH server.

Make sure the device is configured on the network and set a password for the remote user. SSH will not allow remote connections without a password set. The default configuration does not set a password for the root user, nor are any other users configured.

passwd root

After this setup it is now possible to connect from a remote PC supporting SSH. On Linux/OS X this is the ssh command, or from Windows using a client such as PuTTY.

Buildroot - Starting Automatically

Buildroot defaults to using the BusyBox init system, and all of our provided configurations use this as well. The following custom startup script uses this format. For information on other init systems that Buildroot can use, as well as creating startup scripts for these, see the Buildroot manual.

The most straightforward way to add an application to startup is to create a startup script. This example startup script that will toggle the red LED on during startup, and off during shutdown. In this case the script is named customstartup which can be changed as needed.

Create the file /etc/init.d/S99customstartup with the following contents. Be sure to set the script as executable!

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/customstartup

case "$1" in
    echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/red-led/brightness
    ## If you are launching a daemon or other long running processes
    ## this should be started with
    # nohup /usr/local/bin/yourdaemon &
    # if you have anything that needs to run on shutdown
    echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/red-led/brightness
    echo "Usage: customstartup start|stop" >&2
    exit 3
exit 0
Note: The $PATH variable is not set up by default in init scripts so this will either need to be done manually or the full path to your application must be included.

Buildroot provides numerous mechanisms to create this file in the target filesystem at build time. See the Buildroot manual for more information on this.

This script will be automatically called at startup and shutdown thanks to the file location and naming. However, it can also be manually started or stopped:

/etc/init.d/S99customstartup start
/etc/init.d/S99customstartup stop