New Imx6ul U-boot cmdline

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 11:57, 8 July 2019 by Kris (talk | contribs) (Initial creation)
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The Linux kernel cmdline can be customized by modifying the cmdline_append variable. If new arguments are added, the existing value should also be included with the new arguments.

env set cmdline_append rw rootwait console=ttymxc0,115200 quiet
env save

The kernel command line can also be modified from from within Linux by creating a U-Boot script. From the Linux shell prompt run the following commands to install the necessary tools and create the script:

apt-get update && apt-get install u-boot-tools -y
echo "env set cmdline_append rw rootwait console=ttymxc0,115200 quiet" > /boot/boot.source
mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n 'tsimx6ul boot script' -d /boot/boot.source /boot/boot.scr

The boot.source includes the plain text commands to be run in U-Boot on startup. The mkimage tool adds a checksum and header to the output file which then can be loaded by U-Boot. The .scr file should not be edited directly.

By default, every boot to SD, eMMC, and NFS will look for the file "/boot/boot.scr" and attempt to load and run it if it exists. This allows for modification of the boot process dynamically every boot without having to enter the U-Boot shell and modify it.