TS-7970 TI Bluetooth

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The Wi-Fi option for the device also includes a Bluetooth 4.0 LE module. Support for Bluetooth is provided by the BlueZ project. BlueZ has support for many different profiles for HID, A2DP, and many more. Refer to the BlueZ documentation for more information. Please see our BLE Examples page for information on installing the latest BlueZ release, getting started, and using demo applications.

To connect this to 'bluez' the Bluetooth device needs to be initialized and set up. The "BT_EN" pin needs to be pulsed, then 'hciattach' is used to connect to the device and set it up as an HCI interface:

# Install bluez if it is not already present
apt-get update
apt-get install bluez bluez-tools

# Loads firmware for the wifi+BT module
ifconfig wlan0 up

tshwctl --addr 16 --poke 0x3 # Turn on BT_CTS
tshwctl --addr 2 --poke 0x3 # Turn on UART2_RTS
echo 237 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo low > /sys/class/gpio/gpio237/direction
echo high > /sys/class/gpio/gpio237/direction
sleep .1
hciattach /dev/ttymxc1 texas 3000000
hciconfig hci0 up

Once this is loaded, it is possible to scan for nearby devices:

hcitool scan

This will return a list of devices such as:

	14:74:11:A1:1E:C9	BlackBerry 8530

Bluez has support for many different profiles for HID, A2DP, and many more. Refer to the Bluez documentation for more information.