TS-7100 about manual

From embeddedTS Manuals
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The TS-7100 series of products all incorporate two PCBs connected by a high density connector. One of these PCBs contains the CPU and some basic peripherals. The second PCB is considered to be the "I/O board" which breaks out GPIO, networking, as well as other peripherals that can vary from product to product. Every product in the TS-7100 series uses the same CPU board and offers the same base features. All of the TS-7100 series products will have a full product number, for example "TS-7100-Z" is the first product in this line. This manual and all TS-7100 series product manuals will both use "TS-7100" as well as the full product number.

When the "TS-7100" name is used, this indicates that this feature is common to all products in the series. For example, soldered down eMMC flash is soldered to the CPU board. When the full product number is used, it is used to indicate that the feature or peripheral being discussed is available on that product, but not necessarily every product in the TS-7100 series.

As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please reach out to Technologic Systems' support team.