TS-4100 Jessie Getting Started

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 12:23, 5 February 2021 by Derek (talk | contribs) (Fixed incorrect filename and link)

Debian is preferred for applications that require updates for many years as well as a large set of binary packages that can be installed with "apt-get". Once installed the default user is "root" with no password.

To write this to an SD card, first partition the SD card to have one large ext4 partition. See the guide here for more information. Once it is formatted, extract this tar with:

# Assuming your SD card is /dev/sdc with one partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
mkdir /mnt/sd/
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sd/
sudo tar xjf ts4100-armhf-stretch-latest.tar.xz -C /mnt/sd
sudo umount /mnt/sd

To rewrite the eMMC, boot to u-boot and run "ums 0 mmc 1". This will expose the eMMC as a mass storage device over USB. Then connect the MicroUSB cable to the OTG USB connector. Alternatively, you can boot to the SD card and run these commands. You should not rewrite the eMMC while it is the boot device.

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk2p1
mkdir /mnt/emmc
mount /dev/mmcblk2p1 /mnt/emmc
wget -qO- https://files.embeddedarm.com/ts-socket-macrocontrollers/ts-4100-linux/distributions/debian/ts4100-armhf-stretch-latest.tar.xz | tar xj -C /mnt/emmc/
umount /mnt/emmc