TS-8160 Errata sleepwake

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 12:59, 12 June 2012 by Kris (talk | contribs)
Synopsis Rev 2 of the AVR software does not correctly use the WAKE button/pins
Severity Minor
Class Software bug
Affected TS-8160 AVR Rev 2
Status Workarounds available, fixed in Rev 3, shipping on June 12th 2012


Revision 2 of the AVR software did not correctly enable the interrupt for the IO port that the WAKE button/pins are on. Because of this sleep could not be interrupted without cutting power to the TS-8160. The only way to fix this is by updating to Rev 3. There are two ways to do this, see below for more information.

Workaround: The TS-8160 AVR software revision can be checked with:

ts8160ctl --info

If the Revision field shows "2" then this device cannot wake up from a sleep. The fix is as follows:

1) The Macrocontroller NEEDS to be a TS-4200. Currently none of our other Macrocontrollers can reprogram the AVR. If this is the case, an RMA can be submitted and we will reflash the AVR here. Submit an RMA request here.

2) Download this tarball, unzip it in the fastboot shell on the TS-4200 while booted with the TS-8160. Follow the instructions contained in the README file. Once this is completed, reboot, and the new AVR software will be running.

Due to space limitations, it is best to download and unpack in the /tmp folder of the fastboot shell