Filesystem from flash script

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 14:59, 24 December 2014 by Kris (talk | contribs)

While there is no issue in executing filesystem_from_usb when booted from SD (provided there are no flash partitions mounted), further preparation is required in order to successfully boot from eMMC/NAND, and use the USB update functionality to update the flash. A USB device is required to have the the Debian distribution on the first partition, as well as a specific set of steps contained in the tsinit file to ensure the flash partitions are safely unmounted, and all of the tools are available.

Using a linux host PC, format a USB drive with the first partition (min. 2GB) formatted ext2/3. Download the distribution tarball and extract it to first partition of the USB drive.

Next, create the file "tsinit" in the root directory of the first partition of the USB drive, make it world executable with `chmod a+x` and make sure it has the contents of the following script:


#We only need unmount /mnt/root and use USB if booted from NAND/eMMC
if [ "$bootmode" == "0x1" ]; then
  killall mdnsd >/dev/null #Required to cleanly umount /etc
  sleep 1
  if [ -e /dev/mtd0 ]; then
    umount /mnt/root/ts
  umount /etc
  umount /mnt/root

  mount -obind /mnt/usbdev /mnt/root
  mount -obind /mnt/root/etc /etc/

echo ""
source /ts.subr
tshwctl --greenledon --redledon
echo "Flashing kernel"
kernel_from_usb >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
  echo "Failed flashing kernel"
  tshwctl --greenledoff
  while true; do tshwctl --redledon; sleep .5; tshwctl --redledoff; sleep .5 ; done &
  return 1
echo "Flashing filesystem"
eval `filesystem_from_usb`
if [ "$prog_ok" != "1" ] ; then
  echo "Failed flashing filesystem"
  tshwctl --greenledoff
  while true; do tshwctl --redledon; sleep .5; tshwctl --redledoff; sleep .5 ; done &
  return 1

#We only need unmount /mnt/root and use USB if booted from NAND
if [ "$bootmode" == "0x1" ]; then
  umount /etc
  umount /mnt/root

echo "Done"
while true; do tshwctl --greenledon; sleep .5; tshwctl --greenledoff; sleep .5 ; done &