TS-4200 Restore XNAND

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 10:01, 12 January 2016 by Mpeters (talk | contribs) (Slightly reworded warning to encourage use of dd.)

This needs to be done directly on the SBC. Please note that all NBD partitions from the NAND card must be dismounted before attempting to image the NAND on the SBC.

WARNING: Since there is no locking mechanism, it is not safe to run multiple copies of nandctl on this board. Make sure you unmount your filesystems. These examples use 'dd' which is safe to use while nandctl is running. Please be sure stop the nandctl background process first if you prefer to backup/write data with nandctl instead.

You can find the latest xnand image here.


Entire Image

# Compressed
dd if=/dev/nbd0 bs=131072 count=2048 | bzip2 > backup.dd.bz2
# or uncompressed
dd if=/dev/nbd0 bs=131072 count=2048 of=backup.dd


dd if=/dev/nbd1 bs=512 count=5119 of=/path/to/backup/zImage


dd if=/dev/nbd2 bs=512 count=5120 of=/path/to/backup/initrd


Entire Image

dd if=xnand-4200-latest.dd bs=131072 count=2048 of=/dev/nbd0 conv=fsync


dd of=/dev/nbd1 bs=512 count=5119 if=/path/to/backup/zImage conv=fsync


dd of=/dev/nbd2 bs=512 count=5120 if=/path/to/backup/initrd conv=fsync

Expected Partition Layout

Partition Contents
1 kernel binary (0xda)
2 initrd (0xda)
3 Debian root filesystem (EXT3)