TS-4720 eMMC

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 14:51, 9 June 2014 by Mark (talk | contribs)

This board includes an onboard 4GB eMMC disk. The datasheet for this Micron part can be accessed here. This disk is accessed very similar to an SD card and is also supported with the sdctl driver. This eMMC supports read and write speeds at approximately 10MB/s. The kernel provides access to the flash at /dev/nbd1 for the entire block device. The kernel also includes a module that will break this up into partitions. Our default software image contains 2 partitions:

Device Contents
/dev/nbd1 eMMC block device
/dev/nbd1p1 Kernel and initramfs
/dev/nbd1p2 Full Linux Root

The eMMC by default is using Single card doublestore. To access the Linux partition of the SD card while booted to eMMC, you can use the mount command as expected:

mkdir /mnt/sd
mount /dev/nbd1p2 /mnt/sd