TS-4900 - Build Yocto Distribution

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 11:26, 23 June 2014 by Mark (talk | contribs)

Recommended reading

Build Yocto

To get started, install repo. This is a tool for downloading and updating a set of git repositories.

mkdir ~/bin
curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin

Check out our BSP:

mkdir ts-bsp
cd ts-bsp
repo init -u https://github.com/embeddedarm/ts-oe-bsp.git -b daisy
repo sync # This will take a while while it downloads several git repositories

Once it is downloaded the environment needs to bet set up:

export SDKMACHINE="x86_64"
export SDKMACHINE="i686"
export MACHINE='ts4900-quad'
source ./setup-environment build

#Install our BB layers file.  This includes a set of common layers used
#in our images.
cp ../.repo/manifests/bblayers.conf conf/bblayers.conf

You will need to select which image to build. You can view the images we provide with:

ls -l sources/meta-ts/recipes-*/images/*

These images may change in the future, or more may be added. There are descriptions in the top comments of each file.

  1. Build our common image with X11/QT support

bitbake ts-x11-image

  1. Alternatively, this is a smaller image with X11/QT omitted
  2. bitbake ts-headless-image

After the build has finished, it will be available in:

cd tmp/deploy/images/ts4900-quad

Use gparted or fdisk+mkfs to format an SD card with a single ext4 partition.

From your pc, mount the SD card. Assuming /dev/sdc

mkdir /mnt/sd
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sd
sudo tar ts-x11-image-ts4900-quad.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/sd

This will install the rootfs, but the kernel, device tree (dtb), and FPGA bitstream must be manually installed.

sudo cp uImage /mnt/sd/boot/
sudo cp uImage-imx6q-ts4900*.dtb /mnt/sd/boot/
sudo rename 's/uImage-imx6q/imx6q/' /mnt/sd/boot/*.dtb
sudo umount /mnt/sd

Updating the distribution

Occasionally we will make updates to Yocto. To pull these down:

export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
cd ts-bsp
repo sync

source ./setup-environment build

From here, you can bitbake your desired image which will include any updates.