TS-7250-V3 TS-MULTI-104

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Product Page
8-bit IO

The TS-MULTI-104 supports serial based Multitech Socketmodems for cellular support.

The TS-MULTI-104 implements 16550A based UART which require a kernel driver. Under Linux this requires a device tree change. See the Kernel compile section for more details about getting set up the compile the kernel.

This below example will set up the serial devices for a TS-MULT-104 with the IRQ6, COM1, and 1.8MHz jumpers installed. Open the device tree at arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-ts7250v3.dts. Add the highlighted section to the device tree and recompile.

pc104bus: fpgaisa@50 {
	compatible = "technologic,pc104-bus";
	reg = <0x50 0x4>;

	ranges = <0 0 0x1000>;
	reset-gpio = <&gpio3 7 0>;

	#address-cells = <0x1>;
	#size-cells = <0x1>;

	status = "okay";

	/* TS-MULTI-104 */
	ts16550@3f8 {
		compatible = "technologic,ts16550";

		reg = <0x3f8 8>;
		interrupt-parent = <&fpga_intc>;
		interrupts = <15>;

		status = "okay";

On the next boot check the "dmesg" output to verify it loaded:

root@tsimx6:~# dmesg | grep ts16550
[    2.259413] ts16550 50004050.fpgaisa:ts16550@3f8: Adding 16550 UART ttyS0

The device node /dev/ttyS0 can be used to access this UART.

For cell modems requiring the 921600 baud rate, remove the 1.8MHz jumper and in the device tree add: uartclk = <14745600>; after specifying the interrupts. This will allow Linux to request the baud rate 921600.

The TS-MULTI-104 manual has a second on setting up pppd with tmobile, but refer to your specific modem's documentation for more information on setting up a connection specific to your modem/carrier.