From embeddedTS Manuals
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The TS-SDCORE2 is a lightweight SD controller that bitbangs most SD access, but switches to an FPGA state machine for reads/writes. It allows control over multiple devices by muxing the SD clock between cards, while leaving the others gated.

Register Bits Description
0x0 [1] 31 Reserved
30 On TS-SDCORE 2, this bit is stuck 0. On TS-SDCORE 1, this bit is read/write. This can be used for detecting which hardware core is present.
29:19 Reserved
18:16 clksel - Set which LUN (0-4) gets clocks. The others will remain gated.
15 Reserved
14 timeout - Card exceeded number of expected clocks before returning an answer. Cleared on read.
13 fast_en - Set to allow 0 latency writes for bursts
12 wrmult_en - Enable write multiple. After a write makes the core wait for CRC ack and card not busy, and continue writing
11 rdmult_en - Enable read multiple. after a read makes the core wait for CRC ack and card not busy, then continue reading
10 crc_err - Cleared on read
9 sd_wprot - Card write protect status - 1 = write protect enabled, 0 = write protect off
8 sd_detect - 1 if a card is detected
Value Description
0x0 [2] CMD, DAT3-DAT0 output enabled
0x1 CMD,DAT3-DAT1 tristate, DAT0 output enabled
0x2 CMD output enabled, DAT3-dat0 tristate
0x3 CMD, DAT3-dat0 tristate
5 SD Clock (1 = pulse clock, 0 keep low)
4 SD_CMD output data (1 high, 0 low)
3:0 SD_DAT output data (1 high, 0 low)
0x4 31:0 Stream 4-bit read/write on sd_dat bus with automatic crc/ack/cardready checks [3]
0x8 31:0 Stream 1-bit read/write to sd_cmd. Shifts out starting from bit 31 to 0, then sends a crc7 (40 clocks total).
0xc [4] 31:7 Reserved
6 This is set to 1 when accessed as a 32-bit bus, or 0 when accessed as an 8-bit bus.
5:0 Reserved
  1. Writing byte 0 with any value has the side effect of clearing a CRC error, and resets the number of clocks for an access to 0.
  2. If sd_oe = 0x0, sd_clk = 0, sd_lcmd = 0, and sd_ldat = 0, this also turns off power to the SD card.
  3. Outputs from the LSB byte to the MSB byte
  4. A write of any value to this register sets the state machine to wait for CRC ack, and wait for card not busy