TS-7180 eMMC Backup/restore

From embeddedTS Manuals

The simplest way to backup/restore the eMMC is by booting to the SD card and then writing the eMMC image to removable media such as a USB stick.

sudo mkdir /mnt/emmc/
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/emmc/
cd /mnt/emmc/
tar -c . | bzip2 > /path/to/ts7180-backup-image.tar.bz2
cd ../
umount /mnt/emmc/

To write a new filesystem to the TS-7180, first boot to an SD card or USB stick. Then re-image the eMMC:

# The eMMC is /dev/mmcblk1.
# Ensure the media has an MBR (not GPT) partition table with exactly one partition.
# Re-partition the device with fdisk or gparted if it isn't already partitioned correctly.

sudo mkdir /mnt/emmc/

sudo mkfs.ext4 -O ^metadata_csum,^64bit /dev/mmcblk1p1
# If the above command fails, complaining of an invalid filesystem option, it is fine to omit that flag:
# An older mkfs.ext4 that doesn’t understand it also can’t create a backwards compatibility issue.

sudo mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/emmc/
bzcat /path/to/ts7180-new-image.tar.bz2 | tar -xhf -C /mnt/emmc
umount /mnt/emmc/