Lts kernel compile 5.10 intro

From embeddedTS Manuals

These steps assume a host Linux workstation with an appropriate cross compiler. While on most platforms the kernel can be downloaded, built, and installed all on the device, we recommend against this due to the amount of time, memory, and disk space that can be needed for a build.


In addition to a cross compiler, a number of host tools are required.

# Install dependencies for kernel build
# The following command is for Ubuntu / Debian workstations. If using a different
# distribution, please consult distribution docs for the proper commands to install
# new packages/tools/libraries/etc.
apt-get install git fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev bc flex libelf-dev bison
Note: The above prerequisite libraries and tools may not be the complete list, depending on the workstation's distribution and age. It may be necessary to install additional packages to support kernel compilation.

Download kernel repo on a host Linux workstation:

git clone -b linux-5.10.y

# Alternatively, a shallow clone can instead be performed to save space on disk. This makes the source smaller and faster to clone, but can make development and updating from remote more complex.
# git clone --depth 1 -b linux-5.10.y

cd linux-lts/