TS-7180 Terminal Blocks

From embeddedTS Manuals

The TS-7180 includes four removable terminal blocks (OSTTJ0811030) for UARTs, CAN, ADC, and other general purpose IO. The low side switch outputs on these IO also feature a detectable fault under overcurrent conditions.

Pin # Description
1 Ground
2 RS-232_STC_TXD (/dev/ttymxc4)
3 RS-232_STC_RXD (/dev/ttymxc4)
4 Ground
5 RS-232_STC_TXD (/dev/ttymxc1)
6 RS-232_STC_RXD (/dev/ttymxc1)
7 RS-232_STC_TXD (/dev/ttymxc6)
8 RS-232_STC_RXD (/dev/ttymxc6)
Pin # Description
1 Ground
2 STC_CAN_2_H (can2 interface)[1]
3 STC_CAN_2_L (can1 interface)[2]
4 Ground
5 STC_485+ (/dev/ttymxc3)
6 STC_485- (/dev/ttymxc3)
7 Ground
8 WAKE-UP / gpio bank 2 io 18
  1. RS-232_STC_TXD (/dev/ttymxc5) depending on option
  2. RS-232_STC_RXD (/dev/ttymxc5) depending on option
Pin # Description
1 DIO_1_IN gpio bank 5 io 37 / EN_LS_OUT_1 gpio bank 5 io 21 [1]
2 DIO_2_IN gpio bank 5 io 38 / EN_LS_OUT_2 gpio bank 5 io 22 [1]
3 DIO_3_IN gpio bank 5 io 39 / EN_LS_OUT_3 gpio bank 5 io 23 [1]
4 DIO_4_IN gpio bank 5 io 40 / EN_LS_OUT_4 gpio bank 5 io 24 [1]
5 DIO_5_IN gpio bank 5 io 41 / EN_LS_OUT_5 gpio bank 5 io 25 [1]
6 DIO_6_IN gpio bank 5 io 42 / EN_LS_OUT_6 gpio bank 5 io 26 [1]
7 DIO_7_IN gpio bank 5 io 43 / EN_LS_OUT_7 gpio bank 5 io 27 [1]
8 DIG_IN_3_STC gpio bank 5 io 0
9 DIG_IN_3_STC gpio bank 5 io 1
10 Ground
11 Ground
12 Ground
Pin # Description
1 STC_CAN_1_H (can1 interface)
2 STC_CAN_1_L (can1 interface)
3 AN_IN_1 (ADC)
4 AN_IN_2 (ADC)
5 AN_IN_3 (ADC)
6 AN_IN_4 (ADC)
7 DIG_IN_3_STC gpio bank 5 io 2
8 DIG_IN_4_STC gpio bank 5 io 3
9 5V (EN_OFF_BD_5V)
10 Ground
11 Ground
12 Ground
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 These low side switches can sink 500mA. Set the output gpio to 1 to enable the sink, or 0 to disable or read the 0-30V input.