TS-7250-V3 Bookworm Getting Started

From embeddedTS Manuals

This Debian release is available in 2 flavors with various packages.

Image Estimated Size Description
tsimx6ul_debian_12_headless-latest.tar.xz 681 MiB
  • Includes 5.10 kernel with tsimx6ul_defconfig that includes broad driver support
  • Base Debian with common utils
  • Common embedded tools (i2c, can, gpio, iio, serial tools, etc)
  • Includes hardware support
  • Networking tools (ethernet, wifi, bluetooth)
  • Includes Development tools
debian-armhf-bookworm-minimal-latest.tar.bz2 263 MiB
  • Includes 5.10 kernel with tsimx6ul_minimal_defconfig that includes bare minimum driver support and kernel options required by Debian.
  • Includes base Debian rootfs adding only what is required for Ethernet support.

The default login is root with no password.

This image can be written to a USB drive, or to the eMMC. For development, a USB thumbdrive will be simplest. If a bootable USB drive is connected this will take priority over other boot media Plug in a USB drive and check the last output from "dmesg" to get the USB disk. For example, this may be /dev/sdc.

# Erase all older partitions
sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdc
# Create one GPT Linux partition
sudo sgdisk -n 0:0:0 -t 0:8300 /dev/sdc
# Create a filesystem and mount
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
sudo mkdir /mnt/usb/
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb/
# Extract downloaded image:
sudo tar --numeric-owner -xf tsimx6ul_debian_12_headless-latest.tar.xz -C /mnt/usb/
sudo chmod 755 /mnt/usb/
sudo umount /mnt/usb/

These commands will also work while booted from a USB drive to rewrite the eMMC. Instead of /dev/sdc you would use /dev/mmcblk0, and instead of /dev/sdc1 you would use /dev/mmcblk0p1.