TS-7250-V3 Supervisory Reset Reasons

From embeddedTS Manuals

The supervisory microcontroller can detect multiple reasons why the system rebooted or woke back up. These are provided by the sysfs device:

root@tsimx6ul:~# cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/tssupervisor-reset/reboot_reason
reboot_reason text Description
POR Initial boot from power/console being powered.
Brownout 5V dropped below 4.7V, but microcontroller stayed power (from 5v/vin or USB).
CPU WDT CPU Watchdog initiated a reboot.
Software Reboot The linux kernel initiated a reboot.
RTC Alarm Reboot RTC Alarm initiated reboot.
Wake from PWR Cycle System initiated a shutdown with console connected, and power was cycled.
Wake from WAKE_EN System initiated a shutdown, powered back on when CN8 pin 9 was brought up to 3-30 V.
Wake from USB VBUS System initiated a shutdown, USB console plugged in.
Wake from RTC Alarm System initiated a shutdown, and the RTC alarm tripped.