TS-739x SDRAM Update

From embeddedTS Manuals

SDRAM Change

Synopsis Due to material availability, the SDRAM chip was changed to a new vendor. This change predicated the need for updated FPGA code.
Severity Minor
Class Informational
Affected All TS-739x purchased after April, 2019.
Status No action necessary.


Due to a manufacturer EOL, a new SDRAM part was selected and qualified by Technologic Systems for use on the TS-739x SBCs. The new part requires a new FPGA binary for proper operation. TBD: Add link to pcs.embeddedTS.com notification.


The affected TS-739x are identifiable by the name "Alliance" visible on the SDRAM chip.

Necessary Action: None. The FPGA on the TS-739x is programmed at time of build. No further action is necessary by the downstream developer.