TS-8100-4800 LCD

From embeddedTS Manuals

This example project allows you to pipe in data separated by newlines, or you can call the application with arguments to draw the two lines. For example:

./lcd Technologic Systems

Will write this to the screen:

LCD LED example.jpg
/* LCD 2x24 character example code
 * To compile, copy to the board and run:
 * 	gcc lcd.c -o lcd  */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
void lcd_init(void);
void lcd_wait(void);
void lcd_command(unsigned int cmd);
void lcd_writechars(unsigned char *dat);
// These are nanosecond delays
#define SETUP   800
#define PULSE   1600
#define HOLD    800
// The mpeek/mpoke functions are specific to the TS-4800
static volatile uint16_t *mwin;
void mwinen()
        int mem;
	volatile uint16_t *syscon;
        mem = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC);
        syscon = mmap(0, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem, 0xb0010000);
        mwin = mmap(0, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mem, 0xb0017000);
	assert(syscon != NULL);
	assert(mwin != NULL);
	// Set up muxbus timing register.
	syscon[0x12/2] = 0x321;
uint16_t mpeek16(uint32_t addr)
	mwin[0x0] = addr >> 11; // This register contains the upper bits of address
	// Sets the remaining address bits, and requests a 16 bit bus cycle
	mwin[0x2/2] = (addr & 0x7ff) | 0x8000;
	return mwin[0x4/2];
void mpoke16(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value)
	mwin[0x0] = addr >> 11;
	mwin[0x2/2] = (addr & 0x7ff) | 0x8000;
	mwin[0x4/2] = value;
void lcd_init(void) {
    uint16_t out;
    // Data lines to inputs, control lines to outputs
    mpoke16(0xa, 0x700);
    out = mpeek16(0x6);
    // Set LCD_EN and LCD_RS low
    out &= ~(0x600);
    // Set LCD_WR high
    out |= 0x100;
    mpoke16(0x6, out);
    lcd_command(0x38); // two rows, 5x7, 8 bit
    lcd_command(0x38); // two rows, 5x7, 8 bit
    lcd_command(0x38); // two rows, 5x7, 8 bit
    lcd_command(0x6); // cursor increment mode
    lcd_command(0x1); // clear display
    lcd_command(0xc); // display on, blink off, cursor off
    lcd_command(0x2); // return home
void lcd_wait(void) {
    uint16_t ddr, out, in;
    int i, dat, tries = 0;
    struct timespec dly;
    dly.tv_sec = 0;
    mpoke16(0xa, mpeek16(0xa) & 0xff00);
    out = mpeek16(0x6);
    do {
        // step 1, apply RS & WR
        out |= 0x100; // de-assert WR
        out &= ~0x200; // de-assert RS
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 2, wait
        dly.tv_nsec = SETUP;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
        // step 3, assert EN
        out |= 0x400;
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 4, wait
        dly.tv_nsec = PULSE;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
        // step 5, de-assert EN, read result
        in = mpeek16(0xe) & 0xff;
        out &= ~0x400; // de-assert EN
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 6, wait
        dly.tv_nsec = HOLD;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
    } while (in & 0x80 && tries++ < 1000);
void lcd_command(unsigned int cmd) {
    int i;
    uint16_t out;
    struct timespec dly;
    dly.tv_sec = 0;
    // Set port A to outputs
    mpoke16(0xa, mpeek16(0xa) | 0x00ff);
    out = mpeek16(0x6);
    // step 1, apply RS & WR, send data
    out &= 0xff00;
    out |= (cmd & 0xff);
    out &= ~(0x300); // de-assert RS, assert WR
    mpoke16(0x6, out);
    // step 2, wait
    dly.tv_nsec = SETUP;
    nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
    // step 3, assert EN
    out |= 0x400;
    mpoke16(0x6, out);
    // step 4, wait
    dly.tv_nsec = PULSE;
    nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
    // step 5, de-assert EN 
    out &= ~0x400;
    mpoke16(0x6, out);
    // step 6, wait 
    dly.tv_nsec = HOLD;
    nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
void lcd_writechars(unsigned char *dat) {
    int i;
    uint16_t out = mpeek16(0x6);
    struct timespec dly;
    dly.tv_sec = 0;
    do {
        // set data lines to outputs
        mpoke16(0xa, mpeek16(0xa) | 0x00ff);
        // step 1, apply RS & WR, send data
        out &= 0xff00;
        out |= *dat++;
        out |= 0x200; // assert RS
        out &= ~0x100; // assert WR
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 2
        dly.tv_nsec = SETUP;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
        // step 3, assert EN
        out |= 0x400;
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 4, wait 800 nS
        dly.tv_nsec = PULSE;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
        // step 5, de-assert EN 
        out &= ~0x400;
        mpoke16(0x6, out);
        // step 6, wait
        dly.tv_nsec = HOLD;
        nanosleep(&dly, NULL);
    } while(*dat);
 /* This program takes lines from stdin and prints them to the
 * 2 line LCD connected to the TS-8100/TS-8160 LCD header.  e.g
 *    echo "hello world" | lcdmesg
 * It may need to be tweaked for different size displays
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i = 0;
    if (argc == 2) {
    if (argc > 2) {
        lcd_command(0xa8); // set DDRAM addr to second row
    if (argc >= 2) return 0;
    while(!feof(stdin)) {
        unsigned char buf[512];
        if (i) {
            // XXX: this seek addr may be different for different
            // LCD sizes!  -JO
            lcd_command(0xa8); // set DDRAM addr to second row
        } else {
            lcd_command(0x2); // return home
        i = i ^ 0x1;
        if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
            unsigned int len;
            buf[0x27] = 0;
            len = strlen(buf);
            if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') buf[len - 1] = 0;
    return 0;