TS-TPC-7990 Accelerometer replacement

From embeddedTS Manuals

The revision D and below boards included the NXP MMA8451 3-axis accelerometer, but due to an EOL this is being replaced on the Rev. E and above PCBs. Instead new boards will include:

  • ST Microelectronics ISM330DLCTR 6-axis sensor (Accelerometer/Gyroscope)
  • ST Microelectronics IIS2MDCTR 3-axis Magnetoresistive sensor

See the manual sections for usage examples:

See Accelerometer (MMA8451) for more information on the usage of the EOL accelerometer.

This is supported in our latest Debian 12 or Ubuntu 23.04 images dated 20230807 or later. See our changelogs for Debian or Ubuntu for more information.

On the LTS kernel 5.10 this is supported as of tag v5.10.170.6-ts. A user who cloned/modified a previous 5.10 could merge this in with:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/embeddedTS/linux-lts.git
git fetch upstream
# Run "git checkout name-of-your-modified-branch" if it is not already selected
git merge v5.10.170.6-ts
git push

On the NXP forked 4.9.x kernel this is added with these 6 patches:

A user who cloned/modified a previous 4.9 could merge this in with:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/embeddedTS/linux-tsimx.git
git fetch upstream
# Run "git checkout name-of-your-modified-branch" if it is not already selected
git merge upstream/ts-imx_4.9.11_1.0.0_ga
git push

This is not supported on 4.1 or earlier kernels since this requires further developments in the IIO stack in the kernel to support these drivers.