
From embeddedTS Manuals


From time to time there are things which are common questions or answers with no specific related product, but somehow also don't belong in the FAQ. This page hopes to capture these pieces of knowledge.

Plug it in

It doesn't hurt anyone to check cabling before continuing. The more frustrating the problem is, the less likely it is to check cabling, so before going anywhere, unplug everything and plug it all back in... just to be certain.

The touchscreen seems out of calibration

Normally when the system boots it allocates the touchscreen as /dev/input/event0. When a USB keyboard is connected it seems to get this first, and the touchscreen is loaded as /dev/input/event1. The simplest workaround is to edit the xorg in the initrd and look for the touchscreen section:

 Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "touchscreen"
    Driver "evtouch"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
    Option "DeviceName" "touchscreen"