TS-4900 QT5 Hello World

From embeddedTS Manuals
Revision as of 16:18, 29 July 2014 by Mark (talk | contribs)

Open the QT Creator IDE and click "New Project".

QT New Project

There are many options for developing applications with QT, but we will use the default "QT Widgets Application".

QT Widgets App

Specify the location for your project. Keep in mind that the compile process will create additional build paths in the "Create In:" path.

QT Location

Next, select the kit. In this case I'm enabling Desktop for testing, and TS-4900.

QT Select Kit

For now I'm using the default class information. The project management window can also be left with its defaults. Click "Finish". This will generate the new project. Click the button under "Help" on the left column, and select "TS-4900" debug.

QT Select build